About BroughtyGolfClub.com
Hi, I’m the Grumpy Golfer and I created BroughtyGolfClub.com to try and answer some of your golfing questions.
I’m not a professional although I have played to a single figure handicap for over 20 years so I’ll try not to get too technical!
I’ve played in numerous competitions down the years and managed to play around 500 courses.
In addition to playing golf I’ve also been involved in running a golf club in the past and worked in a pro shop, clubhouse bar and on the course!
If you have any golfing questions you’d like answered then drop me a line using this contact form and I’ll see what I can do.
In case you are wondering what makes me grumpy then I would have to say the biggest issue is slow play both when I’m playing and when you watch golf on TV.
Does anyone really think 4 or 5 hours is acceptable for a round of golf!
Here’s to your golfing success!